At Aunt Tala's wedding reception...

>> Friday, January 1, 2010

"Somebody call 911
Ruthy fire burning on the dance floor,


Ruthy's home! (late post) =}

>> Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ok... oops. This was supposed to be posted a few days ago, but I guess I hit the wrong button. I just noticed it was still in the draft form. So! A little old news... but at least the pictures are new since most of you haven't seen them yet. ;) I'm sure there'll be a new post later today anyway... (hopefully)

Well, even though we haven't gotten together yet... Ruthy would like to announce she FINALLY made it home to Sioux City! YAY! (29 must be open I'm guessing) So hopefully we'll be getting together this week for new years or something. Have to do SOMETHING fun for that! Something like... eating chocolate and pickles until midnight!! =D lol.

Well, Ruthy has sent me some pictures, so we can upload those. Otherwise nothing too much has gone on here in Parker. Just bucket and buckets of that silly white stuff. I tried shoveling out a walkway to my dad's shop, but that was a pathetic effort. (besides the exercise I guess) It all just drifted right back in less than a hour. Oh well. After I came in, Rachel took a picture of me... luckily I was wearing glasses cuz I looked like a wreck! My face was dripping with sweat and my fingers and toes were frozen. I felt like a popsicle that was melted in the middle. Go figure. Anyway... Hope you are all staying warm and safe!

Sarah for the CPChickz

Ruthy took this with her phone's picutre stitch. I think it's like three pics in all. We thought it was the perfect picture for a band. =P

This was taken on Ruthy's 21st birthday. So we bought her some of that sparkling cider and a tiara for fun. Ain't we goofs?

Later in the day we all went ice skating. Here's me and Ruthy looking slightly frost bitten... lol. I had sat out for a while cuz some guy rudely pushed me over from behind and I made a beautiful landing on my knee.Yeah, ouch.

Lol. And this was just taken today. I think she's a bit stir crazy from being stuck in a hotel for so long. lol. Cute Ruthy. ;)

Yup. There she is. And she's wondering why on earth she moved to this artic wasteland...

Well, that's it for now boys and girls! ;)


Merry Christmas, 1st Post, and Welcome!

>> Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hey guys! Welcome to The Chocolate Pickle! This is where the madness happens and our (the chocolate pickle chicks) adventures are told. The two of us have so much fun that we thought we'd share it with YOU!

As you might already know (either from past experience or... hehe... forced knowledge) Ruthy and I love eating 60% Extra Dark Lindt Truffles and Dill Spear Pickles together. (NO. Not at the exact same time! Just together!) Lots of people think we're crazy (what?), but seriously... this stuff is amazingly good. And no. We don't suffer from sympathetic pregnancy. But anyway, as we were deciding on a name for our blog, that's the first thing that hit us as the perfect name. I hope you can appreciate the delicacies in life and try it out if you aren't already a fan. =)

So now that you're filled in, we can begin this post with a warm Merry Christmas to all of our dear friends and family. We hope all of you had a great Christmas and didn't get stuck on Christmas day like poor Ruthy. She had to travel to Omaha for two births on Wednesday night when this crazy snow storm started to hit. (ok, I'm recanting the "we're not crazy" part... SHE'S crazy) So she's stuck there until 29 opens and the roads are better. Sorry girl. =(

Well, we don't have any stories to post just yet. But hopefully there will be something soon. We're currently looking through past experiences to post up until we get together again. So stay with us as we start our new blog! Love you all lots!

For the CPChickz

(Yeah yeah... I know. She's SUPPOSSED to be holding chocolate.... but she was thirsty.)

I am only as strong as the pickles and chocolate I eat... the smell knocks anyone over in a 100ft. radius.

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